A ministry of comfort and peace

Prayers & Squares is an interfaith outreach organization that combines the gift of prayer with the gift of a hand-tied quilt. The purpose of Prayers & Squares is to promote prayer through the use of quilts.  Unlike many other groups that make quilts for charitable causes, the purpose of Prayers & Squares is not to make and distribute quilts, but to promote prayer through the use of quilts.

Our motto is: "It's not about the quilt; it's all about the prayers."


Each Knot Represents a Prayer

The idea behind these prayer quilts is simple. A heavy thread is used to take stitches through the quilt layers, and the ends are left free to be tied with a square knot. After the quilt is blessed by the priest, as each knot is tied, a silent prayer is said for the person in special need, who then receives the finished quilt.

Through Prayers & Squares, many quilts have been distributed, each a special gift of love. They have been made for sick babies, for cancer and AIDS patients, for adults and children facing surgery or personal crisis, for weddings and other joyful events, for many reasons, but each for someone in special need of prayer.

Our quilt request form can be accessed HERE.



- Prayers & Squares Motto