The ministry of caring is at the heart of life at Resurrection, and that care spreads out from our buildings into our larger community. Church of the Resurrection is a part of Loudon County life, and our Resurrection folks enjoy doing God’s work beyond the church doors.

Friendship Kitchen
Several times a year, Resurrection makes and takes meals for more than 80 homebound citizens in Loudon County, many of whom are elderly. We do this in partnership with our neighbors at Shepherd of the Lake Lutheran Church. Those serving make a meal (usually our famous BBQ and side dishes), package it into portable containers, and then drivers take those meals along pre-assigned routes. Whether your gifts are in cooking, packaging, or delivering and being a human contact for isolated people, there is always space for you. If you feel called to serve, please call or email the church – we’ll put you in touch with Diane Van Koughnett or Jan Sampson.

Loudon County Habitat for Humanity
Ribfest Loudon donates the proceeds to Loudon County Habitat for Humanity to further its mission. Many Resurrection members also give their time and talent to the organization year-round.
Loudon County Habitat for Humanity is part of a global, nonprofit housing organization. It operates on Christian principles that seek to put God’s love into action by building homes, communities, and hope. Volunteers are needed! There is a job for every skill level, from the construction site to the home store. Visit or call (865) 458-0704 for volunteer details.

Episcopal Appalachian Ministries
The mission of Episcopal Appalachian Ministries (EAM) is to inspire, nurture, and affirm those who address the environmental, cultural, and social needs of the people of Appalachia. Affirming our commitment to proclaiming the good news of God’s realm, we engage in advocacy, education, networking, and grassroots ministries in the Appalachian region.
From tax-deductible donations to reading camps and performing home repairs, see how you can be a part of it. For more information on all of EAM’s programs, visit

Good Samaritan Center
The Good Samaritan Center of Loudon County (GSC) is a private, non-profit assistance ministry serving the emergency needs of those in need in Loudon County, Tennessee.
Poverty has many faces: loss of job, repossessed automotive, house foreclosure, inability to pay utility bills or buy prescription drugs. Most of us already know someone experiencing poverty at some level, where heads of households have to make hard choices such as, “Do I buy food for my family or pay the utility bill?” The Good Samaritan Center was established as a central location for area churches and organizations to come together and pool their resources to assist those in need in Loudon County.
There are many ways to give your time and skills to The Good Samaritan Center—from working the reception desk to helping plan special events, this may be the place for you to lend a hand. If you want to donate your time to help others in need, don’t hesitate to contact Shirley Fagg, our Volunteer Coordinator, at 865-986-5919 or Cindy Black, Executive Director, at 865-986-1777, Ext. 12.
To donate, click HERE.

Child Advocacy Center
Kids First Child Advocacy Center of the Ninth Judicial District serves children who have been identified by the Department of Children’s Services as having been severely physically and/or sexually abused. Their vision is to heal the pain of child abuse for the victims served by the Child Advocacy Center of the 9th Judicial District. They serve victims of child abuse by offering trauma-focused and evidence-based services, thus restoring hope and helping children live a life intended for a child.
To find out more and to volunteer, visit their website HERE.

Caris Hospice Care
Caris provides hospice services to families at home, assisted living facilities, and nursing homes. We believe all patients and their family members deserve the best care and treatment throughout their time with us. Volunteers for Caris help patients and their families by making a difference in day-to-day life. Caris Healthcare is looking for volunteers to assist with patient companionship, administrative work, sewing, quilting, cooking, cleaning, etc.
By becoming a Caris volunteer, you can give a small portion of your time to those with limited time. To learn more, contact Melissa Hensley at 865-988-8034 or email her at