Beginning Wednesday, January 8th, Tony Adams will facilitate a study offering on The Fruit of the Spirit. If you wish to participate, please contact Tony at (423) 884-3024 or

Book Overview:


The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self- control. Jesus displayed these excellent qualities throughout his life on earth, because they reflect the character of God himself. And from the moment you received Jesus as your Savior and Lord, that “fruit” has gradually and increasingly begun to appear in your life. This study helps you recognize these truths and how you can increasingly allow the Holy Spirit to work through you to bear good fruit in all walks of your life.

In this topical Bible study, we will look at each fruit of the Spirit one session at a time in the order that Paul presents them. Each session will focus on one key passage of scripture that fully describes the fruit being considered.

Meeting Time & Location:

ZOOM video-teleconference - Wednesday mornings from 11:00 a.m. to noon.

Course Length:

Ten sessions (Jan 8th thru March 19th - excluding Ash Wednesday)

Course Format:

  • Before class: read assigned verses using a handout with study questions
  • During Class: opening prayer; review readings; share observations; discuss central theme of passages and apply to present day issues; close with prayer.

Course Materials:

Handouts from NavPress The Fruit of the Spirit: A Bible Study on Reflecting the Character of God, Copyright, 2022.  Attendees use their own bibles (NOTE: there are some available in the parish hall library, if needed).


Handouts will be here for download, as they become available.


Lesson 3: Joy Handout and Joy vs. Happiness Handout

Lesson 2: Love Handout and The Four Loves Handout

Lesson 1: Introduction

Course Outline and Syllabus