by Tony Adams


In 1 Peter 4:10, we are told that we should “use whatever gifts we have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace”. So, what is grace? Well… in the Prayer Book our catechism defines grace as “God’s favor toward us, unearned and undeserved; by grace God forgives our sins, enlightens our minds, stirs our hearts, and strengthens our wills.” And the cool thing about God’s grace is that it is poured out on ALL God’s children, not on just a few. Thus, Peter’s call for each of us is to
use those gifts to serve others.

When we think of stewardship, we tend to limit our thought to giving money to the church. But that is not at all what God has in mind. In Jesus’ day, a steward was a servant whose master entrusted with something to be managed. Jesus told the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:14-30 where the master entrusts money to three servants to invest and manage. And, in the end, the servants were called to give an account of their management. Similarly, we have each been entrusted with God’s gifts of grace here at Resurrection. And He expects us ALL to be faithful in the administration of His bountiful grace by sharing our time, talent, and treasure with others in this parish and community.

Our Stewardship Campaign pledge commitment total is currently $193,875. That’s 70% toward our goal of $277,000. Praise God! But sadly, only 32 of 102 family units have pledged. Have not we ALL received God’s grace? Peter says so. So then, let’s ALL be faithful stewards. Let us not hide what we have been entrusted with, whatever it may be. But instead, let us invest and grow our gifts of grace in service to God.

Pledge cards are located at the back of the church or available on request. We ask that they be returned by Nov 19th.